Watchtower, tracks and endless fences. Brzezinka (Birkenau). Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.

All that is required for evil to triumph…

Work will set you free. The entrance to Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Work will set you free. The entrance to Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Suitcases of Auschwitz inmates. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Suitcases of Auschwitz inmates. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Some of the prosthetic limbs removed from Auschwitz inmates. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Some of the prosthetic limbs removed from Auschwitz inmates. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Watchtower and barbed wire. Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Watchtower and barbed wire. Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
The ovens. Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
The ovens. Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Watchtower, tracks and endless fences. Brzezinka (Birkenau). Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.
Watchtower, tracks and endless fences. Brzezinka (Birkenau). Auschwitz. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 1993.

…is for good men to do nothing.

Holocaust Memorial Day.

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