• It’s the people, stupid!

    It’s the people, stupid!

    It’s curious that phrases can take on a life of their own. “It’s the economy, stupid” was never actually uttered by Bill Clinton in that form, but it is a phrase that immediately conjures him, and references the economic recession of the early 1990s. More interesting still is the idea that those four words are so perfectly conceived that they can be changed and the reference is still beautifully clear. Sometimes photos can do that too, but that is not what this (very overdue) post is about.

    primary school children play the classic payground game hopscotch
    Primary school children play the classic payground game hopscotch. ยฉ Michael Cockerham

    I have always been of the opinion that the the measure of any institution is the people in it. The word “church” for instance, refers not to buildings (although it is usually meant that way now) but to the people who form it. The best institutions have the best people, and I would rather deal with great people who lack the latest equipment, than with mediocre people with the latest of everything.

    Primary school teacher plays with the children
    Primary school teacher plays with the children. ยฉ Michael Cockerham

    Under the last government a huge amount of money was pumped into updating all sorts of things, in particular, schools. But then came the crunch, the crash and the recession. Schools now are lucky to see investment in their often dilapidated buildings. But in the new market they have to compete forย  students with neighbouring institutions which may have had tens of millions of investment only two or three years ago. Some heads might take the view that competition was impossible, but the enlightened realise that it doesn’t matter how new the infrastructure is if you don’t have thehighest calibre of people within it. I have been approached by a number of such schools in recent months to shoot imagery for websites, brochures and prospectuses. The brief is simple: show that the children are happy, well-balanced and thriving, and that the staff enjoy their work. The physical school can melt into the background.

    Primary school children play outside at break
    Primary school children play outside at break. ยฉ Michael Cockerham

    As a father of three young children myself, I say, “amen to that!”

  • Cleaning up – it’s all about the lighting

    Cleaning up – it’s all about the lighting

    Today has been a good day, not that most days aren’t. I have spent most of the day with people I admire and enjoy working with, and been inspired by a few I have never met – and to think I am being paid for this too!. More importantly I have been asked if I would like to be involved in two particularly exciting and enjoyable projects – one huge, and one bigger. Can’t say more at the moment, but suffice to say that I will post more about them when the time comes, and I expect that time to be in the next few weeks.

    Anyway, after finishing up I decided to go to the public gallery at the House of Commons, something which I have never done before, and thoroughly recommend that you do if you get the chance. I then went to the UK premier screening of Richard Garriott: Man on a Mission in Soho, before heading back to my office to set up for a shoot first thing in the morning. Not having a subject to check the lights on, I grabbed a rather old and grubby vacuum cleaner and put it in position, and fired one test shot. Reviewing the image I was struck by how good almost anything can look when it is well lit! Which reminded my of a conversation I had this afternoon about the end of the world being built in Lego, a concept that had me thinking that my sons’ bedroom looks pretty much like the end of the world in Lego. Boys, I have some advice: if you light your room well, it will definitely look better!

    vacuum cleaner
    Vacuum cleaner – tested for lighting. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 2011

  1. I worked for them part time in 2000(July) until 2001(May) and it was a really nice team to be involved…

  2. Hello Michael, this was an enlightening article, thankyou for posting it. I was trying to find the original on the…

  3. A lovely photo Michael. A pair of old shoes can really convey so much character canโ€™t they. Probably why Van…