• The best thing about being a photographer

    Without doubt the best thing about making your living as a photographer is the opportunities it gives you to witness things that might not otherwise be possible.

    I have to confess that I am a nosey sod, so I find most things interesting, but I was thrilled to be invited by Ben and Cathrine to document the birth of their second child following some pregnancy studies I had made of Cathrine in December.

    While I was present at (and to some extent, photographed) the births of my own three children,ย  I always felt too close to the event emotionally to do it any justice. In the case of Ben and Cathrine I was able to be an impartial observer, but it was still a magnificent experience. Here’s a taste of what I caught. Oh, and if you know of anyone else who’s expecting and would like to have it documented let them know that I am looking for more subjects as part of a larger project.

    birth, labour, baby, water birth
    A two image narrative of the birth of Espen
    Birth, water birth, husband and wife, gas and air
    Cathrine manages the pain of labour with the support of husband Ben and some gas and air
    Birth, baby, umbilical cord, midwives, water birth
    Espen weighed a considerable 10lb 1oz at birth

  • Lines of Sight

    Well, I said that more information would be forthcoming, and true to my word here it is. Blue Filter’s first foray into publishing has gone to press with Blurb. A sneak preview below to whet your appetite:

  1. I worked for them part time in 2000(July) until 2001(May) and it was a really nice team to be involved…

  2. Hello Michael, this was an enlightening article, thankyou for posting it. I was trying to find the original on the…

  3. A lovely photo Michael. A pair of old shoes can really convey so much character canโ€™t they. Probably why Van…